His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away 他的联盟也许会占绝对多数,但这种优势可能会很快丧失。
According to most opinion polls, he is set to win a clear majority 从大多数民意调查的结果来看,他很有可能以绝对多数票胜出。
A clear majority of the American people think its the right thing to do. 显然大多数美国人都认为这是正确的举措。
Only a clear no to Canada, backed by a clear majority in Quebec, would require a Canadian government to negotiate separation. 只有在明显多数魁北克人明确支持脱离加拿大的情况下,加拿大政府才必须与其谈判独立问题。
The bill was passed by a clear majority of10. 那项法案以净多10票获得通过。
Ministers from the EU said a clear majority of countries now backed their plan, including Brazil, which had previously held its cards close to its chest. 欧盟的部长级官员们表示,明显多数的国家(包括此前一直不愿表态的巴西)现在支持这一计划。
He says there is a clear evidence that a majority of women are getting infected within marriage from a person other than the husband. 他说有确凿的证据显示大部分已婚妇女感染艾滋病是通过丈夫以外的其他人。
That suggests a clear majority on the committee who want more data before tapering. 这似乎表明,委员会内部希望先看到数据再实施缩减的人占明显多数。
A clear majority of West Europeans regard Russia as an unreliable energy supplier but remain resistant to paying more for alternative supplies from renewable energy sources. 认为俄罗斯是一个不可靠的能源供应方方的西欧人明显占多数,但他们仍不愿支付更高成本,以获取来自可再生能源的替代供应。
The bill was passed by a clear majority. 议案获绝对多数票通过。
German and French politicians pressing for the introduction of more flexible labour laws will be able to take comfort from a European survey showing a clear majority of people calling for greater freedom to work longer hours. 欧洲一项调查显示,欧洲有明显多数的人呼吁放宽限制,延长工作时间。这一点将令要求推出更灵活劳动法的德法两国政治人士感到宽慰。
This award will be determined at the conclusion of the regular jurying by clear majority vote. 此奖项将按多数服从少数的原则由一般评审方式最终决定。
Neither candidate won a clear majority, forcing a runoff. 没有一个候选人获得绝对多数。因此必须进行决胜选举。
In France, Italy and Germany, a clear majority of those polled support independence for Kosovo from Serbia, while in the UK and us the move was backed by 48 per cent and 46 per cent respectively. 在法国、意大利和德国,支持科索沃从塞尔维亚独立出来的人占明显多数,而在英国和美国,公众对此的支持率分别为48%和46%。
A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) in Prague, in the Czech Republic. 在布拉格的召开的国际天文联合会会议上,有明显多数的研究者投票支持这一新规则。
The clear majority ( 77%) of businesses have up to a quarter of their total workforce consisting of regular remote users. 大部分(77%)机构中,最多有四分之一的员工在远程办公。
Spain is the only country in which a clear majority supports the idea of the EU giving financial assistance to the Balkans. 西班牙是唯一明显多数受访者支持欧盟为巴尔干地区提供财政援助的国家。
And people invested in that hope by voting the Barisan Nasional back into power with a clear majority. 还有,大多数人很明显地把选票投资在国政以让他们得回力量。
Most people plumped for lower taxes. The bill was passed by a clear majority. 绝大多数人绝对赞成减税。议案获绝对多数票通过。
When there is no clear majority, the resulting decision is called a plurality opinion. 当没有绝对半数通过时,判决结果称之为多数意见。
We need to win by a clear majority. 我们要以明显的多数获胜。
With a clear majority in both houses, Republicans face a difficult choice about whether to compromise with President Barack Obama on a series of issues. 拥有两院多数席位的美国共和党面临着一个艰难选择,要不要与总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)在一系列问题上达成妥协。
Both the Swedish and the Dutch governments currently lack a clear parliamentary majority and need the votes of opposition parties to get the new agreement through. 瑞典和荷兰政府目前在议会都没有明显的多数席位,需要反对党投票支持,才能让新协议得到通过。
What is clear is that the majority of new programmes are usually shorter than the two-year gold standard MBA taught in the US, with many offering one-year programmes. 我们清楚地知道的是,新项目中的大部分比美国的2年制标准MBA项目的学制要短,很多都是1年制的课程安排。
The termination came after it became clear that while a majority of shareholders supported the transaction, the number of votes in favor would fall short of the two-thirds required for approval. 这宗交易之所以搁浅,显然是因为虽然过半数股东支持合并,但在表决中未能争取到三分之二以上的赞成票。
Regarding the Chinese business community, some ideas connected with the enterprise citizen are still underused, the definition of the concept is still not clear, and the majority of enterprises still purely equate the enterprise citizen to the enterprise society responsibility. 对于中国企业界来说,与企业公民相关的一些理念仍尚未普及,对其概念的界定也仍不清晰,大多数企业仍单纯地将企业公民等同于企业社会责任。